Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rainy-day-type stuff

It has come to my attention that I somehow look French. I honestly have no idea how this is. I have a distinctly non-European style of dress. Most of my shirts have English writing all over them. I walk around most places with a either a backpack, map, or something that should act like a big neon sign that says "tourist" and points directly at me. And yet, people still feel comfortable walking up to me and asking me questions in French. I say to them in broken French that I don't speak any French (at least I'm pretty sure that I get that point across), but they will ask me again, because clearly my blatant American accent and poor French skills means I was lying. I'm hoping that it won't come down to me making a big sign saying "I DON"T SPEAK FRENCH!"that I have to wear at all times, but I'm really running out of ideas here. I could try to just deal with the status quo, but that involves me tolerating people, so clearly it's not an option. Maybe I just need to be a less approachable person in general. I thought I was a little old to start a goth phase, but perhaps this is a sign. I've got the pale skin covered, now I just need some new clothes.

+ So I noticed something kinda cool the other day. At street intersections, where you push the button to get the "walk" signal, there is a small touch pad underneath. When the signal turns to the walk signal, it vibrates so as to let blind people know they can cross. This isn't particularly applicable to me now, but one of these days I will probably try moonshine, just 'cause. When this happens, there's a reasonable chance that I will go blind, so it's not a bad idea to prepare for this.

-I'm getting real sick of the weather around here. It has rained every day for the past two weeks. Also, it's been sunny every day for the past two weeks. The weather has just been too erratic for words. In the U.S, most days are either rainy or sunny. Sometimes there is a quick shower out of nowhere, but for the most part, I could look at the forecast at the beginning of the day and decide either A: "Today is a rainy day, so I will take my umbrella and dress for rain" or B: "Today is a sunny day, so I will dress for a sunny, rainless day". In Geneva, the forecast doesn't mean squat. They may as well not even bother to make it. The rain and sun are both on and off constantly. Planning outdoor activities is the most aggravating thing because you never know if you will get rained on. If it lasts long enough, it's almost guaranteed to happen at some point. This chaos will not do. I need structure in my life, and this bipolar weather pattern does not work at all.

-Last of all, let me tell you a little story about something called Region Coding. In pretty much every continent (except our penguin friends in Antarctica), you can find DVD's and DVD players. You attach the DVD player to a TV, put the DVD in the player, and then you watch your movie and everyone is happy ... except, that would be just a little too convenient. Now each continent apparently decided that the others can suck it, and they designed their DVDs to be playable ONLY in their players. So that DVD you bought for real cheap when you went on vacation in China probably won't work in your DVD player. Sorry. This is particularly frustrating for me. I brought a small binder of movies here, just to watch in case I get bored. Now, my apartment comes with a TV and DVD player, so it certainly would seem like I have a nice little arrangement here. The disappointment came when I tried to put the DVD in the player in it gave me the finger. Not literally of course, but it wouldn't play my movie and that kinda pissed me off. I still have my mini-screen laptop, but that's really not the same, now is it. So, to DVD manufacturers everywhere, I don't understand what you're accomplishing by making your product region specific. It would certainly seem easier to make all DVD players play all DVDs, and it would certainly make your often-traveling customers much happier. So please, let's cut out this BS and let me watch my movie. kthanx.

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